I asked this question a while ago, and I am still seeking clarification,
I fooled with ereg_replace and they only do a piece of what I want, I
would like to know how to keep only a chunk of text defined between 2
tags let's say, <div> and </div> and ignore everything else, I also have
to search and replace certain tags between, but I know how to do that
with ereg_replace. So can anyone help me echo only what is between the
div tags? Please?

Why not take the the beginning <div>, everything in the middle, and the end
</div> tag and explode() them into an array and then get what you want and
write it out? I didn't see your originl post and don't know if there was
more detail available, but I hope this helps.


I’m not tense…just terribly, terribly alert

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