On Friday 16 August 2002 19:49, lallous wrote:
> <?
> $fn = 'test.gif';
> echo preg_replace('/(.+?)(\..+?)/', '\1a\2', $fn);
> ?>
> This script will output 'testa.gif'
> now how can i make it produce 'test1.gif' ?
> if i replace the: '\1a\2' with '\11\2' it will understand to replace with
> occurence number 11 !
> How can i escape the 2nd '1' so it is considered as a string an not another
> number.


  echo preg_replace('/(.+?)(\..+?)/', '\1'. '1' . '\2', $fn);

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.com.hk
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