Alok K. Dhir wrote:
> By any chance, is page one the "entrance" page to your application?


> I.e. is there a session id in either the query string of the page URL or
> was there one passed to it via a POST?

Nope. Is the is the entrance so there is no nothing passed to it. Users 
just enter the URL in the location bar, for example, and come in.

> Without cookies enabled, there is no way to allow users to use the back
> button to go back to the entrance page while maintaining the session.

Really? I just turned cookies and javascript off and then visited I added an item to my cart, hit the back buttonall way back 
to the entrance and then checked my cart ... lo-and-behold the item was 
in my cart still. How did they do that?

> One (hackish) solution to this is to cause the entrance page to
> immediately redirect to itself using either PHP's header function, or a
> meta refresh.  Your goal here is to make it so that hitting back from a
> secondary page would take you to the post-refreshed entrance page which
> has the session ID.

Ok. Can you explain this in more detail? I understand the concept you 
are suggesting but I can't picture how to do this in PHP.

Thanks for the info!


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