Hopefully I can explain this properly....

I've got a php form, that gathers certain information, and then passes that info on to 
a couple of shell scripts to move files around, create links, import data into some 
mysql databases via sql files, etc.

The two shell scripts work fine when I'm logged in as root via telnet.  The 
consistently don't work from my website.  I know it must be a permissions problem, but 
I'm still a relative newbie relative to linux/permissions, and would appreciate any 
guidance in resolving it.

Couple of questions:

In running a shell script, is there any way to change the userlevel when executing 
that script?  I've got one website that largely needs to control aspects of another.  
I need to change chmod levels, and change chown levels.

Would one solution be to make the users of the respective sites be part of the same 
user group?

Thanks in advance,


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