The answer I would give at this moment would be a variant of your A) 
version where the hash directories would further contain directories 
limited to, say 300 images. Found it out after a painfully slow 
experience with MySQL blobs. I did not however implement this solution 
yet (still using the blobs due to lack of time), so I can't give you an 
actual comparison (hence the format of my first sentence).



Scott Houseman wrote:
> Hi there.
> Which way would be the most efficient/fastest to access images from an image
> library.
> A) Store image files in a hash directory structure AND storing each file's
> information in a mysql table
> OR
> B) Storing image information in mysql table AND storing the image in a BLOB
> field in that table.
> The way I see it, considerations to be taken into acount:
> - Is it quicker/better to retrieve image from table & then stream out to
> browser OR simply direct the browser to the file?
>   i.e <IMG SRC="/imagelib/image.php?iImageID=10"> OR <IMG
> SRC="/imagelib/5/f/10">
> - Will a database OR filesystem be more scalable i.e. which wil perform
> better when there are 10000 images in the libary?
> Thanks in advance
> Regards
> -Scott
> --
> Scott Houseman
> Jam Warehouse
> Smart Business Innovation
> +27 21 4477440 / +27 82 4918021

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