>Appologies if this comes through twice. I tried to post it via goolg groups 
>but it didn't seem to work.
>If I run the following script from within apache, then the script
>fails and returns $error=2
>$data="this is a test";
>system ("echo '$data' |/usr/bin/gpg -vv --clearsign -u testing -o
>/home/httpd/html/nic/output --passphrase-fd 2
>print $error;
>I've seen quite a lot on the web about this suggesting that it's a
>permissions problem.
>However, If I add #!/usr/bin/php to the top of the script and make it
>executable, then su to 'nobody' (which appache runs as) then the
>script runs perfectly from the command line - so I think that the
>permissions are all OK.
>Any ideas where I'm going wrong?

Does <?php phpinfo();?> really and truly say that PHP is running as

Is there really a "nobody" directory?  I think part of the point of using
"nobody" is that they shouldn't even *have* a directory in the first

If the .gnupg files/directories all involved are owned by 'nobody' anyway,
make them world readable and writable.  It's not all that different at that
point anyway, since anybody would write a PHP script running as 'nobody' to
read/write them.

Is /home/httpd/html/nic/output really world-writable?...  Scary.

I don't claim to understand that 2< ...test crap, but I'm guessing you're
trying to re-direct errors somewhere?  Try taking that out for now, use
exec() instead of system() and see what output you actually get:

exec($command, $result, $error);
echo implode("", $result);

You may be a lead from that on where things are breaking.

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