Hi Martin,

Thanks for responding. I just checked for any post variables and none were
set. The problem revealed itself because I originally had:

    if ($REQUEST_METHOD=="POST") {
        do something
    else { do something else }

And "do something else" was always being done. Any other thoughts?

Thanks again...

On the threshold of genius, Martin Towell wrote:

> Have you checked the $_POST (or $HTTP_POST_VAR) variable to make sure it IS
> using GET?
> Martin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jed Verity [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 3:19 PM
> Subject: [PHP] IE won't post on Windows, but will on Mac
> Hello, All,
> I've given myself two black eyes and a bloody nose on this one, and I'm sure
> it's a simple solution. I have a form on the php page "entry.php":
> <form name="zForm" action="entry.php" method="POST">
> <input type="text" name="txt" value="whatever">
> </form>
> At the top of that page, I have the PHP code:
> <?
>   echo "$REQUEST_METHOD";
>   //other stuff...
> ?>
> With IE 5.2 on Mac, I submit this form and I see "POST" echoed at the top of
> the page.
> With IE 5.5 on Windows, I submit this form and I see "GET".
> How? Why? What the? I've tried playing with different encoding types and
> content-types, and nothing changes the results. I also tried setting my IE
> 5.5 security settings to lowest and enabled everything possible. No matter
> what I do, I can't POST the form. Can anyone tell me just what in tarnation
> is going on here?
> Many many thanks...
> Jed

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