I would bet money on the fact that one of your pages doesn't have a session
start in it. Or there is a link which which requires resets the browser and
initiates the creation of  new session. I've had some problems before with
javascript and top.window.location redirections that when set to
http://site/file.php instead of just  /file.php it resets the session.

-----Original Message-----
From: David Cramblett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 11:38 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] RE: Session seams to be clearing randomly


I forgot to mention that the session file is still viewable in the tmp 
directory after the session clears.


David Cramblett wrote:

>   Hello,
> I am having trouble with my session clearing after a few clicks around 
> the application.  The session is started in a header which is loaded 
> first on every page in my application and I can not isolate the 
> clearing to one page or link, it seams to be random.  I can click 
> maybe 10 - 20 links, even back and forth between the same two links 
> and then the session clears for no apparent reason.  I use almost 
> identical session handling and startup on many other applications on 
> different servers, I only seem to have this problem on this particular 
> server.
> PHP is running as an Apache module on a Linux/Intel server and my 
> application uses a Postgres DB Back End.  PHP is version 4.1.2. (Yes I 
> would like to be using the most current version but this is not my 
> server, so please don't suggest an update, unless you know that there 
> was a problem with this in older versions of PHP that can be worked 
> around.)
> Session Lifetime is set to 0  and Session Garbage Collection is set to 
> 24 minutes in the php.ini file.
> Thanks,
> David

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