My first assumption would be yes they are domain specific, but it might be 
possible to cross domains if both domains were run from the same web server 
and you were to pass the session id between pages manually rather than it 
being stored in a cookie..

What does everyone else think?

- Jacob

At 02:06 09/19/2002, Robert Cummings wrote:
>Domains are specific, and so you do not get the same sesion variables. 
>here's are
>ways around this, but you need control of the content of both servers.
>David Buerer wrote:
> >
> > Are sessions domain specific?
> >
> > What I mean is this.
> >
> > Suppose I have two websites:
> >
> > <>
> > and both web sites point to the same set of data.
> >
> > If I looking at web page
> > <>  and have a set of session variables 
> defined
> > and then I call the page
> > <>  do I still have access to the same
> > session variables?
>| Robert Cummings |
>| Webdeployer - Chief PHP and Java Programmer  |
>| Mail  : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] |
>| Phone : (613) 731-4046 x.109                 |
>| Website :           |
>| Fax     : (613) 260-9545                     |
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