Hi Fellas!

I'm a little bit confused as to why does this not work right!  It had to do
with the odbc_fetch_row() function.  When there is two or more rows, the
odbc_fetch_row() return a True.  When there's no row, the odbc_fetch_row()
return a False.  What so odd about it is when there is one row,
odbc_fetch_row() return a False.  It should return a True.  This doesn't
make sense.  Is this a bug?  Have anyone encountered this problem??  What is
the workaround to it?


$cid = odbc_connect('blah blah');
$R7 = odbc_exec($cid,$ask7);
$result = odbc_result($R7,1);

while (odbc_fetch_row($R7))
 echo $inquiry[0], $inquiry[1];

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