IE ignores the "no-store" directive of the Cache-Control header, and 
this is the most common reason behind behavior such as you are 
describing. Basically, because Netscape (and other browsers) adhere to 
the HTTP specification, it may appear as if they are misbehaving when it 
in fact quite the opposite.

Get rid of "no-store" and just use "no-cache" instead to see if it 
resolves the inconsistency.

Happy hacking.


Jean-Christian Imbeault wrote:

> The two browsers in question are N7 and IE5.5 N7 is the one that 
> "seems" not to be caching. In my opinion IE5 often has "features" that 
> make it do things it shouldn't just because it might be helpful to the 
> user.
> So I was thinking IE5.5 was doing some caching because *it* thought it 
> should but N7 wasn't because it was respecting some HTTP header saying 
> not to cache that I somehow have set by mistake ... 

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