
1) Use javascript to determine the script to run--slow and prone to
attacks because you have little control over

2) Code different functions depending on the size of the text

3) Include a different file with the code to execute depending on the
size of the text



On Wed, 2002-10-16 at 20:18, Peter Houchin wrote:
> howdy
> am just courious to see what approach others would take given this senario.
> I have a form which for the most part is basic to follow but I have one
> field where people can enter any value up to 100k in  now what has to happen
> is if they enter anything that equals 20k or lower is taken care of by one
> script, if it is greater than 20k but less than or equal to 50k it is
> handled by another script and if it is greater than 50k but equal to or
> lower than 100k by another script and if it's greater than 100k another
> script is run.
> if any one has any suggestions on different approaches to this i'd like to
> hear it as I am looking for something relitively easy to code and and easy
> for some one else to come in and change things if required down the track.
> Cheers
> Peter
> "the only dumb question is the one that wasn't asked"
> -- 
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