It seems that the problem is with IE, and characters in the domain name. 
  This is a beta site (of one of my existing sites), and I have the 
virtual host name set as "by-tor_v70".  I tried setting the cookie on 
another virtual host running on the same box, and it worked.  So, I 
removed the underscore from the name, and the cookie worked fine.  Live 
and learn, eh?  IE6 != underscores.  Thanks for the help guys.

Timothy Hitchens wrote:
> This will work for you I use this for tracking activity and is set to last
> for 3 months.
> setcookie("cookieName", $value, mktime() + 7725000,'/', 
> '',0);
> Timothy Hitchens (HiTCHO)
> John Nichel wrote:
>> Timothy,
>>   The headers are coming across fine.  I looked in the privacy report, 
>> and told IE to accept all cookies from my domain, but it still isn't 
>> registering them. If it wasn't for the fact that I've had over 100,000 
>> page views by IE6 this month, I wouldn't give it a second glance. 
>> Catering to MS products is really getting old. :)
>> Timothy Hitchens wrote:
>>> As per my earlier commments about seeing the privacy report this will 
>>> answer all your questions regarding cookies.. also you can allways 
>>> telnet to the host eg..
>>> telnet {host} 80
>>> get /{page.html} http/1.0
>>> host: {}
>>> {enter}
>>> {ctrl d}
>>> You should then see the header information as well that should 
>>> include your cookie informaiton if not you have even a bigger problem.
>>> Timothy Hitchens (HiTCHO)
>>> Chris Shiflett wrote:
>>>> John,
>>>> Can you see if this works:
>>>> header("Set-Cookie: foo=bar");
>>>> If not, then check the configuration for IE6. I seem to recall 
>>>> hearing that cookies are disabled by default for sites that are not 
>>>> P3P compliant? Or, perhaps that was for third-party cookies only. At 
>>>> any rate, I seem to recall some significant change with IE6 in 
>>>> regards to cookies, so maybe you're experiencing that. My example 
>>>> above will give you the simplest test case for setting a cookie.
>>>> Good luck, and happy hacking.
>>>> Chris
>>>> John Nichel wrote:
>>>>> Hi guys and gals.  I'm having a problem with setting a cookie on IE 
>>>>> 6. I'm running RedHat 7, Apache 1.3.26 and php 4.2.3.  The cookie 
>>>>> sets fine in all other browsers (IE5, Netscape 4 and up, Opera, 
>>>>> Mozilla, etc.) but on IE 6, not even my session cookie sets.  I've 
>>>>> tried all of these....
>>>>> setcookie ( "$name", "$cookie_data", $date, "/", "by-tor_v70", 0 );
>>>>> setcookie ( "$name", "$cookie_data", $date, "/", "by-tor_v70" );
>>>>> setcookie ( "$name", "$cookie_data", $date, "/" );
>>>>> setcookie ( "$name", "$cookie_data", $date );
>>>>> setcookie ( "$name", "$cookie_data" );
>>>>> I've also replaced $date with time() and time()+3600.
>>>>> $date is set to the standard set forth on Netscape's site.

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