
Please start by looking in the manual... I simply typed
http://php.net/oracle into my browser, which resulted in this page:


Seems to document all the functions, and there are user-contributed notes
down the bottom which seem to provide even more help, and sample scripts.

THEN if you need some more help, I'm sure there are some people on this list
who can help :)


on 28/10/02 4:17 PM, Subodh Gupta ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Hi,
> I have just started off myself to learn PHP.  I have installed PHP 4.2.3
> and Apache     1.3.27.  I have built some sample pages which are running
> fine.   But now I want to integrate PHP with Oracle.  Can somebody help me
> how to do it ?
> Subodh Gupta

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