Ok, I have a problem with my file upload. When I upload a file, say $img,
only $img is available and when I echo $img to the screen it gives the full
path of the temporary image "supposedly" created by PHP. Echoing
$_FILE['img']['tmp_name'], or any of the other $_FILE array elements,
doesn't give anything. There is no array of information for the uploaded
file, possibly because of the following problem I'm having:

Another weird thing is that no temporary file is even created on the server
(I did a system search on the C: drive of the windows box I'm using). Here
is the info from my php.ini file:


; File Uploads ;

; Whether to allow HTTP file uploads.
file_uploads = On

; Temporary directory for HTTP uploaded files (will use system default if
; specified).
upload_tmp_dir = C:\PHP\tmp_uploads

; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
upload_max_filesize = 6M


I even changed the upload_tmp_dir setting to the default and it still didn't
create a temporary file of the image on the server. GD is definately
installed and enabled according to phpinfo() -- although GD has nothing to
do with this. I'm uploading *.jpg/*.jpeg files only. register_globals is on
(I am aware of the risks). So what could be wrong? Is there another setting
in the php.ini file that I need to worry about that is not set by default?
I've pondered and tested this long enough and I'm beyond frustration,
someone please help me with some suggestions to get me through this...

- Darwin

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