Ernest E Vogelsinger wrote:
No, that's a misunderstanding. Session var's are never passed to and from
the client, only the session _name_ is passed, either via a cookie
(PHPSESSIONID) or via trans-sid href encoding.
Thanks for clearing that up! I hadn't realized that only the session name was passed around. I thought all the session data was too.

This now hands me a dilemma ... I was building my site conservatively, i.e. assuming the user would have cookies turned off. And so I am making heavy use of session variables. *But* I had thought that if the user had cookies enabled then the variables would be saved as cookie information, hence saving my server a lot of disk reads and writes. Now you have shown me the err of my ways ...

I have to consider rewriting my scripts so that if cookies *are* enabled the session information is sent has cookie data. Hum ... I hate re-writes ....


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