> I was wondering if this is possible to in PHP ... I am developing an
> application for a pizza place, where touch typing interface is much faster
> than using the mouse, so I was wondering if I can develop an interface
> a calculator style keypad, and the codes entered (using something like
> in Perl), are automatically compared to the MySQL database to provide
> realtime feedback to the user, such as code 32 is hawaian pizza, and after
> the user enters code 32 Hawaian pizza get's displayed as feedback ... and
> then awaits for some other input such as size, etc...

Sure, it's possible, but I don't think PHP is the best solution for a
program like this. Remember that this would all be a web interface. So you'd
have to enter 32, hit Submit, PHP will process the page and show Hawaian
Pizza, etc.

Maybe PHP-GTK would be a solution for this, but I know almost nothing about
it. Google for info.

---John Holmes...

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