Thanks for responding.  I think I'm still doing something wrong.  Take a

if(isset($_GET['questions'])) {
          echo "Questions link content will go here";
elseif(isset($_GET['samples'])) {
          echo "Samples link content will go here";
elseif(isset($_GET['rates'])) {
          echo "Rates link content will be here";
elseif(isset($_GET['contact'])) {
          echo "Contact information will go here.";
            } else {
echo "Main content goes here.";

The only thing that EVER gets displayed is the final else. (Main content
goes here.)  What am I doing wrong?  Once again, the links are in this
format: <a href="index.php?samples">

This string merely filles the $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["QUERY_STRING"] variable.

So you should rather check to see if $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["QUERY_STRING"] equals 'questions', 'samples', etc...

$_GET['var'] requires that the link look like this:

<a href="index.php?page=samples">

You could then call $_GET['page'], which would contain the value samples.

Kyle Gibson

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