I am getting all my emailadresses for my mailinglist out of a database in a
and in that same loop I personalize the email by adding the name and a
personal URL (script.php?email=youremail).
In that loop I then send the email.
This whole process takes about 0.5 to 2 seconds per adress.
This seems quite long to me.
It can't be the database query or the if conditions in the loop, so why is
this taking so long??
I don't have any problems with script execution time as I increment it in
every iteration.
This is not a nice solution though.
I am also wondering how many adresses you can put in one subject, Cc or Bcc

thanks in advance

Rolf Vreijdenberger
De Pannekoek en De Kale
Maystraat 6
2593 VW Den Haag
T: 06-24245719
W: www.depannekoekendekale.nl

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