Hi guys,

It goes something like this:

class Myclass extends GtkWindow {

 var $run_xpm;
 var $pixmap;
 var $mask;

 function Myclass() {
   $this->run_xpm = array("bla", "bla");
   $this->connect("destroy", array($this, shutdown));
   $this->set_policy(false, false, false);
   list($this->pixmap, $this->mask) =
Gdk::pixmap_create_from_xpm_d($this, null, $this->run_xpm);
    $this->icon = &new GtkPixmap($this->pixmap, $this->mask);



In the main loop, i created an object of Myclass, and i get these error and warnings:

Warning:  pixmap_create_from_xpm_d() expects argument 1 to be GdkWindow or null, 
phprun given in <b>/home/faisal/phprun.php on line 179
Warning:  gtkpixmap() expects argument 1 to be GdkPixmap, null given in 
/home/faisal/phprun.php on line 180
Fatal error:  Cannot create references to/from string offsets nor overloaded objects 
in /home/faisal/phprun.php on line 180

Any ideas?



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