Sport4ever wrote:
PHP version: 4.2.1
OS: RedHat Linux 8
Apache version: 2.0

My problem is that I can't execute more than one (SSI include) on my website JUST for PHP file.. so there is NO problems at all if I include HTML or SHTML files.

Anyway, if I include 2 PHP files into any page, the first INCLUDE statement would execute correctly and print out the file output, but the second INCLUDE statement would NOT execute, and instead, the statement printed in the page source as it is:

<!--#include virtual="sympoll/poll.php?id=2" -->

notice that this problem was not exist in my server before I upgrade PHP from 4.1.2 to 4.2.1 and Apache from 1.3 to 2.0 and Linux from 7.3 to 8.0 !!

any idea?

Hey, you could try using the PHP include

<?php include('path/to/file') ?>


<?php require('path/to/file') ?>

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