I'm working on a php/mysql ap, which looks as though it will be dealing
with an average of

160,000 rows of short text entries =
32 megs of drives space

Anybody have ideas about what if any limits I might hit? And how I might
be able to determine any limits at this point when we have only 2 weeks
(.6 megs and 2600 rows) of what will be 2 years of data? I have full
access to my linux server. I notice that when executing one set of
statements for one page, it is now using in the 80 to 90% range of CPU
states, and works for maybe 3 or 4 seconds to return the querys. I am at
present doing this testing on a 550 mhz processor, but will be running
the ap on a dual 500s.

Am I getting totally out of hand in thinking I can do this?

John Hinton - Goshen, VA.

Those who dance are considered insane 
by those who can't hear the music....

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