You can still use one page and use a "middle-man" technique. The part
that processes the form input would redirect back to itself after the
data is inserted into the database, thus getting rid of the post data.
So subsequent refreshes of the page will refresh without attempting to
repost the data.
This post is merely for reference and, hopefully, to help out some other person that runs into the same problem.

I solved my duplicate form post problem using that middle-man technique you guys mentioned, but i did it in a little more user friendly way than using a complete page and redirecting back to the original. (thus preventing some design problems on my specific site)

I used some javascript to open a small window, it has the code to insert the comment into the database, thanks for the user input and immediately closes and refreshes the original, showing that last inserted comment. Works very smoothly, and if the user connection is fast enough, he doesnt even notice the window.

If anyone needs the code, feel free to email me, ok? I am just not posting it because its a bit long, and might unnecessarily clutter the list. :-)

Thanks for all the help, guys, you got me in the right direction.


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