G'day all

I have a web page were users can upload and downloads files.
When they go to download a file A list of files they can download is
displayed and a check box next to each file name and a button, with which
the users can click to download the selected file.

What I would like to know what would be the best method of doing this?
Would it be best to imbed the whole thing in a form, or is there another way
that php can get the file information from the check box.

The code I am working on is below,
I am not very effient and a newbie at php so please excuse the mess

Thanks Heaps

//This gets the information of the owner and location of the file from the
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM binary_files WHERE owner='$owner' and
location='$location'", $db);

//this displays a table with Name, Size, and info.
echo "<tr><td></td><td>Name</td><td>Size</td><td>Info</td></tr>\n";

//This fetchs the file information from the above mysql_query
while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {

//this displays a table with a checkbox, I would like the file_id to be the
value for the checkbox (not //working) the check box gets no value
echo "<tr><td><input TYPE=checkbox NAME=filetodownload
VALUE=$myrow[id_files] UNCHECKED></td>";
echo "<br>";
echo "File To Download: ";
echo $filetodownload;
echo "<br>";

//This displays a link to the file download.php with the url varieble
filedownload which equels the file_id obtained from the db
echo "<td><a

//This displays the filesize
echo "<td>$myrow[filesize]</td>";

//this display a info link (not yet implemented
echo "<td><a href=info.php?fileinfo=$myrow[id_files]><img
src=/Images/Info.png hspace=0 vspace=0 border=
echo "

//This displays a image, with a link to download.php with the url variable
filedownload which contains the //file_id from the check box above (not
<a href=/upload/download.php?filedownload=$filetodownload target=main><img
src=/Images/icons.php?text=Download&color=red border=0


echo "</table>\n";

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