Christopher Ditty wrote:
Does anyone here use Source Guardian?  I am about to purchase it and
thought I'd ask before I do.  Any problems using it?




We've used it to create demos. It does work, but is being surpassed by
other options (at the time we purchased, it was the cheapest option, but it's not anymore).

They seem to have updated their site some - $150 for 'just' the obfuscator is a bit much, and the obfuscation portion was,
I thought, pretty poor.

If you relied at all on globals, or ever used 'extract' on arrays
coming from form input, it was useless. We don't rely on globals,
but we do rely on form array extraction sometimes - completely
wasted when the system would 'obfuscate' your code. Reason being:

echo $myName;
echo $uu7whfdsisdf;

But if you've got a form with
<input type='text' name='foo[bar]'>

You can't do

echo $bar;

and expect it to work, because the obfuscation will turn it into:

echo $uu7whfdsisdf;

I wrote them and told them it was fairly pointless, atleast
for systems large/advanced enough that you'd consider wanting
to protect them in the first place.

They didn't seem to have much on their site before about
how to get new .so and .dll files for newer versions of PHP
(they bundle .so and .dll files for each version of PHP
- 4.1.0, 4.1.1, etc). Also, the support for working
'out of the box' with no need to fiddle with the php.ini
file was useful. Ioncube's encoder answer requires your users
to install the appropriate .so or .dll file in a particular directory,
or to edit php.ini - not as useful for giving out demos. Ioncube
is making an effort to move in that 'ease of use' direction,
but it doesn't seem to be there just yet.

Having said that, the ioncube answer offers a greater level of
security for the encrypted code - the sourceguardian stuff
is, last I checked, 'just' encrypted source code. zend and ioncube
package encrypted byte code. If someone decrypts zend-encoded
files, they'll only get bytecode. If they decrypt sourceguardian
code, they get the original code. This was how it was
last summer - they may have upgraded since then.

All in all, it's not bad. That the files now can be run on Windows
servers is a plus, but lack of a command line version to allow
for dynamic encryption from a server isn't all that good. If you *need*
that, you'll need to find something else. Why?

The 'time limiting' aspect, for starters - you can set a 'timeout'
for a particular date. Unless you put up a new trial file on a
site every day, you won't be able to offer '14 day' trials, for
a start. The file will timeout on date X, regardless of when the
user downloaded it. The Zend license manager is much more flexible in that regard, but is overkill for most smaller projects.

Does this help at all?

Michael Kimsal

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