Goetz Lohmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote... :

> Php schrieb:
> > PHP codes gets executed at the server (server side), so I wonder how you can
> > make it to work at the client side?
> > 
> > But good thinking :)
> > 
> > huzz
> Client Side PHP ? ... maybe you could ;-) ... you only have to install PHP on
> your box. PHP is too mighty and huge to implement in the browser like JavaScript
> or VBscript nor will M$ ever wan't to replace VB with PHP. But you have to use
> a PHP system ruuning on your box to interpret the code. That way everybody who
> want to use Client-Side PHP have to get the hole PHP system ... that's not the
> point it will ever go so this is a dead end. And who realy needs it ?
> The browsers and HTML lacks on other problems than on possibilys to manage
> somethin with a good scripting tool.

well, in lots of cases PHP will not have to be installed fully in order
to support client side. It could be something like a tiny virtual
machine, similar to Java's. I agree that writing client-side scripts in
PHP could be easier than in Java or VB and thus I see it as a
possibility. The downside is the limited user-base it would be - any way
you wish it to work it will have to be a plugin....

Maxim Maletsky

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