At 18:06 19.02.2003, Anthony Ritter spoke out and said:
>The question:
>Is the reasoning that a comma *must* be added since this is _within_ a loop?
>As in:
>CREATE TABLE chairs (
>id INT(5),
>item VARCHAR(50),
>desc TEXT ,
>price FLOAT , // common should be deleted but there is no way of knowing

No. The reason for the comma is that SQL dictates that column names in a
create table statement are separated by a comma.

This is valid SQL:
    create table chairs(
        id int(5),
        item varchar(50),
        desc text,
        price float

This is invalid and generates an SQL error when passed to the server:
    create table chairs(
        id int(5)
        item varchar(50)
        desc text
        price float

   >O Ernest E. Vogelsinger 
   (\) ICQ #13394035 

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