On 2 July 2014 09:21, Maciej Sobaczewski <msobaczew...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have read proposal for reporting every change/fix commited for php-src
> as a bug/future request to refer to it in changelog, but do we start to
> following this rule for web-* also?

It is not a rule at all for the web repos.  I think it is a good idea to
reference a ticket in commits; even if it is just to see what is or might
be being worked on before it gets committed.  That said, adding a ticket
for every-little-tiny-teeny-weeny-change might be overkill.

In this particular case, Pierre mentioned on IRC that it would be nice to
link to a page where the members of the PHP Group are listed and, so that I
didn't forget about it, I created a ticket.  As it turns out, I did indeed
forget but the ticket was there to jog my memory!

>  Edit report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=67532&edit=1
>>   ID:                 67532
>>   Updated by:         sala...@php.net
>>   Reported by:        sala...@php.net
>>   Summary:            Link "PHP Group" to a list of its members
>> -Status:             Assigned
>> +Status:             Closed
>>   Type:               Feature/Change Request
>>   Package:            Website problem
>>   PHP Version:        Irrelevant
>>   Assigned To:        salathe
>>   Block user comment: N
>>   Private report:     N
>>   New Comment:
>> The fix for this bug has been committed. Since the websites are not
>> directly
>> updated from the repository, the fix might need some time to spread
>> across the globe to all mirror sites, including PHP.net itself.
>> Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP.net better.
>> Added links to credits.php from copyright.php and a few other places.
>> Previous Comments:
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> [2014-06-27 08:30:47] sala...@php.net
>> Description:
>> ------------
>> We refer to "the PHP Group" all over the website, but it's not so easy to
>> find a list of who actually makes up that group.
>> We should link to the list (on credits.php).
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> --
>> Edit this bug report at https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=67532&edit=1
> --
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