On 4 Oct 2014 03:20, "Eli" <e...@eliw.com> wrote:
> This raises a few questions for me:
> 1. What does it actually 'put' on the /conferences/ page?  Because
currently one of the most useful things about /conferences/ IMO is that
it's not just a raw listing of conferences.  Joind.in itself is already
that, as is Lanyrd, as is a few other websites.  If all php.net/conferences/
is to to become is a copy of joind.in - Then why not just replace
/conferences/ with a link to joind.in? (which I'm not arguing for)
>     The really useful part of /conferences/ to me is that it's
announcements.  CfP's are announced, conference schedules are announced.
And the verbiage used isn't "dead" description of a conference text.   But
vibrant 'announcement' style text.  (Does that make any sense?  Does in my
mind at least).

We will use joindin as one of many data suppliers of PHP conferences, this
will mature over time.

> 2. How does the code 'detect' what conferences to actually list?
Joind.in (while heavily used by the PHP community, and started in the PHP
community) is a generic conference tool.  And there are many non-PHP
conferences on it.  Plus there's a question about the listing of non-broad
PHP conferences (such as WordCamps and DrupalCamps and etc that would
appear as well.
>     While on the surface having all those listed would not be a horrible
thing - It very much changes the feel of the current /conferences/ page,
and the page would be flooded by many of those (especially as many meetups
are beginning to put their monthly meetings on joind.in).  You'd almost
need some sort of smart filtering, or a human approval process each time.
>     So I'm not sure (offhand, perhaps this has been solved), how to solve
this dilemna.

Each conf has tags and I filter their API call with a 'php' tag to only
include PHP confs.

> 3. How does this system handle conferences that don't use joind.in?
There are some (such as ConFoo) that traditionally have posted themselves
to /conferences/; however who choose not to list themselves on joind.in for
various reasons (and won't list themselves on there at this point).
>      It would seem 'awkward' for php.net to demand that people use a
specific talk-rating system website, in order to list your conference on
php.net.  So is there a way built into this to still allow conferences who
choose not to use joind.in to publish to /conferences/ ?

We will need to discuss this separately after this integration is over.

> 4. Has there been thought to maintenance of this towards joind.in v2 -- I
know that joind.in is being actively worked on, with plans to eventually
scrap the codebase and replace it with all new, including an all-new API
(from last I heard).   I assume that this is built towards the old API - So
it would need updated if php.net relied upon it.  It would become an
external dependency.

It doesn't matter from a php.net point of view, we are abstracted behind an
API. That's an internal matter for them. The data is the same.

> Not trying to rain in any parades Paul - It sounds like some cool code.
There just seems to be quite a few issues with the concept on the surface.
> Eli
> On 10/3/14 7:07 PM, Paul Dragoonis wrote:
>> Hi Team,
>> At the PHPNW14 hackathon I've contributed my time to improve the
integration between joindin PHP events and the existing php.net setup.
>> I have tested the code and it's working nicely, I would appreciate any
feedback but I'm happy with the code as is and will look to improve it in
time once an initial merge happens.
>> This code patch is in 2 parts,
>> 1) (attachment 1) Adding an update-backend hook which parses the joind.in
API and dumps the data to disk which is readable by mirrors.
>> 2) (attachment 2) Updating the /conferences/ page to list the new data
that was dumped out by the first section.
>> Many thanks,
>> Paul
> --
> |   Eli White   |   http://eliw.com/   |   Twitter: EliW   |

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