On 4 Jun, 11:32, Graham Charters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In the dependencies section for 1.2.1 we list "PEAR Package: sdo",
> which links to something athttp://pear.php.net/package/sdo- which
> clearly doesn't exist.
> Do we need to do a new release to remove this, or can it be removed
> independently (I'm ignorant of this process :-( ) ?
> Graham.

It appears to be coming from the MakePackage.php script. the line,

    $packagexml->addDependency('sdo', false, 'not', 'pkg');

I assume that because this is using the pear packager technology it
goes ahead and makes the dependecy on PEAR automatically rather than
PECL. Not sue how to fix this but on the other hand I don't think we
need this line as it makes  it look like there is something else that
the user has to go and download. It maybe that there is some process
based reaon that this dependency line has to appear but I don't know
what it is.


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