Hmm, take out the semi colon.  And access the variable correctly?

Try it without one:

tal:define="navItems php: getNavItems(sosContext)"


tal:define="navItems php: getNavItems(${sosContext})"

Torsten Hinze wrote:
> Ok - thx 4 hint.
> i have open the file and found this
>  9 |  <div class="header">Rubriken</div>
> 10 |  <?php
> 11 |$ctx = $tpl->pushContext() ;
> 12 | $ctx->navItems = getNavItems($ctx->{$ctx->sosContext}?><ul
> class="closed">
> 13 |   <?php
> getNavItems has missing ) and i dont know why. my getNavItems
> functions has no errors and in the template this function will be used
> in the following way:
>   <ul class="public"
>       tal:define="navItems php: getNavItems($sosContext);">
>     <li tal:repeat="item navItems">
> Cant you see any error?
> After i wrote this i have see the error. I have used sosContext with
> a leading $. This is wrong in PHPTAL. A classic pitfall.
> th
> Kornel Lesiński schrieb:
>> On 06-01-2009 at 13:24:17 Torsten Hinze <> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> if i call my site PHPTAL return this error:
>>> Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' in
>>> C:\WINNT\Temp\tpl_1231247664_1_1_14navigation9790ed651b9881a5e44194953211b4d9.php
>>> on line 12
>>> In the in line 12 i found only this
>> This error is not in your PHPTAL template, but in compiled PHP code.
>> Open the file that is in temp folder.
>>> Any idea?
>> This error is usually caused by syntax error in a php: expression. It
>> could also be bug in PHPTAL itself.
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