I have been trying to figure out how to get the selected option to properly 
show up in a select list all day with no success. It either shows up on none of 
the option tags or on all of them. I've posted the relevant code below. What am 
I doing wrong? Let me know if you need more information. Thanks.

$id = $_REQUEST["id"]; // get the id in the url query

$formSQL = "SELECT i.id, categoryid, category, title, publication, 
DATE_FORMAT(date, '%Y/%m/%d') AS fDate, author, summary, filename FROM 
`resources-items` AS i LEFT JOIN `resources-categories` AS c ON 
i.categoryid=c.id WHERE i.id=$id"; // get the row to be edited

$t = new PHPTAL("test.html");
$t->categories = getRows("SELECT id, category FROM `resources-categories` ORDER 
BY category"); // get all categories
$t->form = getRows($formSQL);

<tal:block tal:repeat="f form">

<input type="hidden" name="id" tal:attributes="value f/id" />

<label for="categoryid" class="resources">Category:</label>

<select name="categoryid" validate="required: true">
<option value="0">-- Select one --</option>
<option tal:repeat="c categories" tal:attributes="value c/id;selected php: 
f.categoryid == c.id" tal:content="c/category"></option>


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