That's because you're using the php: construct; try
tal:condition="php: box['nr'] > 5"

Though, usually - wherever I can - i insert the condition inside the
list of elements I'm iterating over, so that I don't have to use php:


On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 6:13 PM, Dominique Sandoz <> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm searching/experimenting since hours, but I finally end up with nothing.
> I'm trying to use tal:repeat-Variables inside a php:-Condition, but
> everytime I do so, I got an error, that the variable is not defined.
> Here's my PHP-Array:
> ---
> $storeBoxes = array(
> array('nr'=>3, 'name'=>'foo')
> );
> ---
> And my phptal:
> ---
>    <ul class="storeBoxes">
>        <li tal:repeat="box storeBoxes" class="storeBox">
>            <strong tal:condition="php:${box/nr} > 5"
> tal:content="string:${box/name} ${repeat/box/number}">
>             gewählte Box #
>            </strong>
>        </li>
>    </ul>
> ---
> But all I get is, that nr is not defined (i tried to output it with
> tal:content and it worked...
> Can anyone help?
> greetings
> dominique
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