That's unfortunate and something I feel needs addressed. Thanks for the

On Tue, 12 Jan 2010 09:56:45 +0000, Kornel Lesinski
<> wrote:
> On 11 Jan 2010, at 21:07, <> <>  
> wrote:
>> Is there anyway to prevent PHPTAL from automatically echoing the  
>> result of
>> ${php: XXXX}?
> There's no explicit way to do it. You could wrap call in function that  
> returns nothing (e.g. substr(XXXX,0,0)).
>> I have integrated PHPTAL with Zend Framework and Dojo but
>> have an issue when attempting to use dojo().onLoadCaptureStart().
>> // inline-content.tpl.html
>> <tal:block>
>> ${helper: dojo().onLoadCaptureStart()}
>>      function _initLoader() {
>>              dojo.parser.parse(dojo.body());
>>              dojo.fadeOut({
>>                      node: "loader",
>>                      duration: 420,
>>                      onEnd: function() {
>>                              dojo.byId('loader').style.display = "hidden";
>>                              dojo.byId('layoutContent').style.display = 
>> "inherit";
>>                      }
>>              }).play(25);
>>      }
>> ${helper: dojo().onLoadCaptureEnd()}
> Does Dojo expect to get HTML/XML markup as input, or unescaped script?  
> If the latter, you might get nasty surprise when you use '&' or '<'.
>> Oh, while I'm thinking
>> about it, is there a way to do multi-line ${} tags so I don't have  
>> to have
>> such a long line? Something like:
>> ${structure helper:
>>  dojo().requireModule('dojo.parser')
>>        .requireModule('dijit.Form')}
> I could add that.

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