hey thanks for the suggestions.. it almost makes working on phptest pointless. anyway im looking at moodle.. i would love to use it but i have 4000 questions arleady in phptest or sql.. do you know of an import or convert from sql/phptest method? i have no clue how i will move it to moodle.. although i want it bad..

Never try to write an email while you're running out the door to work a jet...
Also I meant to say this before but I had lost the site and wasn't able to find it on google/yahoo/altavista yesterday.
All the hype is around drupal's quiz module due to it being one of the projects in google's summer of code and due to all the sites that already use drupal.
But the real interesting and already well together and supported quiz project I found after I had already set phptest up (quite awhile ago) was Moodle.
a course management system (CMS) - free, Open Source software package designed using sound pedagogical principles, to help educators create effective online learning communities.
Happy Festivus everyone.
Communications & Navigation Specialist
376 EAMXS / KC-135 AMU

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Sterling Aaron B A1C 376 AEW/EAMXS
Sent: Sat 12/24/2005 5:28 AM
To: phptest-users@nongnu.org
Subject: RE: [Phptest-users] To all who want to support phptest read this

I wouldn't call the drupal moduel finished yet but I haven't really had a good chance to look at it either.
Information can be found at
Latest cvs at
Communications & Navigation Specialist
376 EAMXS / KC-135 AMU

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Kathleen A. Ferraro
Sent: Fri 12/23/2005 6:30 PM
To: general phptest discussion
Subject: Re: [Phptest-users] To all who want to support phptest read this

Happy holidays, Aaron. Is the drupal quiz module finished? Where is it?
I have been waiting to try it but can't seem to find it.

On Dec 23, 2005, at 2:27 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I can't do much right now, especially since I'm deployed
However if you add [EMAIL PROTECTED] I'll see whatever help I can offer.
I think the reason why phptest isn't getting much support any more is because of projects such as drupal's quiz module. All we need now is wiki quiz and you won't even be able to find phptest anymore. The reason why I went with phptest in the first place however was due to it being lightweight and simplistic. However the release could be overhauled. It bugs out on install due to the Y2K bug for christs sake. It's a simple fix but for people that don't know where to look and what in the php to change, they consider it broken from the start and probably never even get to any mailing lists.
Anyway, good luck and happy holidays.

Communications & Navigation Specialist
376 EAMXS / KC-135 AMU
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of JST
Sent: Fri 12/23/2005 10:54 AM
To: phptest-users@nongnu.org
Subject: [Phptest-users] To all who want to support phptest read this

Well as it seems phptest is no longer an active project. I havent seen it even supported in a long time. I have invested way too much time and money into phptest to let it die. Last week I asked if I were to start supporting it with the little knowledge i have would anyone join me? Well i am going to do it. I will be sending around a new private mailing list invitation to  everyone  that said they were interested in  helping  me  with continuing support. You will see a  email  from [EMAIL PROTECTED]  inviting  you to to be apart of the new phptest support team. There we can discuss exactly what we can all do. I have a lot of ideas and once i see everyone has signed up i will send out an email to the list. I think we can make this a more powerful script than ever. If Brandon Tallent sees this email and you object please email me. If you are ok with this please send me anything you think that could help us i! n the future.

PS Anyone else want to be apart of the team email me..

Hope you all have a safe holiday


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