Title: Meewsic CEO Brian Fox On KFOG Morning Show!!
Meewsic CEO Brian Fox will be interviewed by Greg McQuaid on the KFOG morning show this Thursday, January 19.
KFOG is a great rock station in San Francisco (in case you didn't know)!
The topic will be "The Destruction Of The Sacred Art Of Music", an article written by Mr. Fox.
Tune in at 8:50 am (EST) if you can; the revolution is beginning!!
Fox will also be interviewed by Bazooka Joe on the Small World Podcast at 6 pm (EST). The fun is just starting...
MAJOR PROMOTIONS are going to be unleashed on Google in the next WEEK to coincide with the festivities!
Meewsic is the only label/store that cares about the art of music.
We license the FINEST music so you don't have to search through millions of (perhaps mediocre) songs on sites that rip-off musicians (I-Tunes, Real.com, Napster etc.). 
Check out our ROSTER and hear what you've been missing!
Talented artists are welcome to submit their music.
Brian Fox
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