
just patched phpxml 1.N.5:

// OLD --------------------------------------------------
function setAttributes($absoluteXPath, $attribute) {
  // The attributes parameter should be an associative array.
  if (!is_array($attributes)) return;
  // Add the attributes to the node.
  if (isSet($this->nodes[$path]['attributes'])) {
    $this->nodes[$path]['attributes'] =
    array_merge($this->nodes[$path]['attributes'], $attributes);
  } else {
    $this->nodes[$path]['attributes'] = $attributes;

Tell me where the $path variableis set and why the parameter
is called $attributes in the function...

// NEW --------------------------------------------------
function setAttributes($absoluteXPath, $attributes) {
  // The attributes parameter should be an associative array.
  if (!is_array($attributes)) return;
  // Add the attributes to the node.
  if (isSet($this->nodes[$absoluteXPath]['attributes'])) {
    $this->nodes[$absoluteXPath]['attributes'] =
    array_merge($this->nodes  [$absoluteXPath]['attributes'],
  } else {
    $this->nodes[$absoluteXPath]['attributes'] = $attributes;

BTW, did anyone check the code before releasing it?
How else could one miss those bugs like the
"$this ->" thing and the setAttributes-function,
that did not work at all.

CU, Axel

PS, soory for my bad english...

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