oops, forgot attachment
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Gaetano Giunta
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 11:22 AM
To: phpxmlrpc@lists.usefulinc.com
Subject: RE: [phpxmlrpc] docxmlrpcs

In fact single param signature is already implemented in CVS (thanks to some kind soul external contribution).
I am just waiting to find some time to package release 0.2 (in fact I am working busily on extending the base classes to add more automagic stuff... but if you are lucky it might come out as soon as next week).
To extend the signatures without breaking existing code, we decided to make use of a new member in the method description array: 'signature_docs'.
It has to be an array of arrays, with same number of members as 'signature'. Of course each member is a documenting string instead of a type name.
The code is attached, in case you want to check it out.
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Jip Hogenboom
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 10:44 AM
To: phpxmlrpc@lists.usefulinc.com
Subject: [phpxmlrpc] docxmlrpcs



I am currently using the docxmlrpcs, although I know it's just the 0.1 alpha version, I was wondering how you are going to implement the description of input/output parameters... This would be a very nice feature, but I guess the syntax of the sgnature would have to be changed to give some kind of documentation with the parameters...

Hope to hear from you,




Jip Hogenboom

Be one of the first to try Windows Live Mail.
 * Self-documenting extension to the PHP-XMLRPC server
 * @author Gaetano Giunta
 * @version $Id: docxmlrpcs.inc,v 1.4 2006/05/14 18:03:41 ggiunta Exp $
 * @copyright (c) 2005 G. Giunta
 * @todo use some AJAX magic to implement xmlrpc calls to test/debug methods
 *       without feeding to user the raw xml
 * @todo add some i18n support
 * @todo add a sane way to have a set of hhtp headers to be sent along with 
 *       type of generated documentation (eg. content-type)

        // requires: xmlrpc.inc, xmlrpcs.inc (version 2.0RC3 or later)

        * Extends the base xmlrpc server with the capability to generate 
        * about the exposed xmlrpc methods.
        * It will take advantage of a new memeber in the dispatch map: 
        * it is expected to be an array with the same number of memebers as 
        * but containing a short description for every parameter.
        class documenting_xmlrpc_server extends xmlrpc_server
                /// default format for generated documentation: either wsdl or 
                var $default_doctype = 'html';
                var $default_doclang = 'en';
                var $supported_langs = array('en');
                var $supported_doctypes = array('html', 'wsdl');

                * Override xmlrpc_server service method:
                *   in case of GET requests show docs about implemented methods;
                *   in case of POST received by a form, we use the methodCall 
input value
                *   as if it had been sent with a tex/xml mimetype
                * @param string $data    request data to be parsed, null by 
                * @param string $doctype type of documentation to generate: 
html, wsdl, etc... If empty, use class default
                function service($data=null, $doctype='')
                        if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST')
                                if ($doctype == '' || !in_array($doctype, 
                                        $doctype = $this->default_doctype;
                                // language decoding
                                if (isset($_GET['lang']) && 
in_array(strtolower($_GET['lang']), $this->supported_langs))
                                        $lang = strtolower($_GET['lang']);
                                        $lang = $this->default_doclang;

                                print generateDocs($this, $doctype, $lang);
                                // we break the xmlrpc spec here, and answer to 
POST requests
                                // that have been sent via a standard html 
form, such as the
                                // one that is part of self-generated docs
                                        && $_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'] == 
                                        && isset($_POST['methodCall']))


        * Generate the documentation about methods exposed by a given server.
        * Note that it will NOT html-escape the user provided documentantation 
(ie. risky).
        * @param xmlrpcserver $server
        * @param string $doctype type of documentation to generate: html 
(default), wsdl, etc...
        * @param string $lang language for docs
        * @return string
        * @todo add support for i18n of generated user-readable docs (eg html)
        function generateDocs($server, $doctype='html', $lang='en')
                $payload = '';
                switch ($doctype)
                        case 'wsdl':
                        case 'html':
                                //$i18n = $GLOBALS['xmlrpcdoci18n'][$lang];
                                $template = $GLOBALS['xmlrpcdocparts']['html'];
                                // in case we have to send custom http headers, 
do it
                                // removed from here, since we only return the 
payload now...
                                //foreach ($template['httpheaders'] as $header)
                                //      header($header);

                                // method name decoding: is uer seeking info 
about a single method?
                                if (isset($_GET['methodName']))
                                        $payload .= 
xmlrpc_smarty($template['docheader'], array('lang' => $lang, 'title' => 'Method 
                                        if ($server->allow_system_funcs)
                                                $methods = 
array_merge($server->dmap, $GLOBALS['_xmlrpcs_dmap']);
                                                $methods = $server->dmap;
(!array_key_exists($_GET['methodName'], $methods))
                                                $payload .= 
xmlrpc_smarty($template['methodheader'], array('method' => $_GET['methodName'], 
'desc' => ''));
                                                $payload .= 
xmlrpc_smarty($template['methodnotfound'], array('method' => 
                                                $payload .= 
xmlrpc_smarty($template['methodheader'], array('method' => $_GET['methodName'], 
'desc' => @$methods[$_GET['methodName']]['docstring']));
                                                //$payload .= 
                                                for ($i = 0; $i < 
count($methods[$_GET['methodName']]['signature']); $i++)
                                                        $val = 
                                                        // NEW: signature_docs 
array, MIGHT be present - or not...
                                                        $doc = 
                                                        if (!is_array($doc) || 
                                                                $doc = 
array_fill(0, count($val), '');
                                                        $payload .= 
xmlrpc_smarty($template['sigheader'], array('signum' => $i+1));
                                                        $out = 
                                                        $outdoc = 
                                                        for ($j = 0; $j < 
count($val); $j++)
                                                                $payload .= 
xmlrpc_smarty($template['sigparam'], array('paramtype' => $val[$j], 'paramdesc' 
=> @$doc[$j]));
                                                        $payload .= 
xmlrpc_smarty($template['sigfooter'], array('outtype' => $out, 'outdesc' => 
$outdoc, 'method' => $_GET['methodName']));
                                                $payload .= 
xmlrpc_smarty($template['methodfooter'], array('method' => 
                                        // complete api info
                                        $payload .= 
xmlrpc_smarty($template['docheader'], array('lang' => $lang, 'title' => 'API 
                                        $payload .= 
                                        foreach($server->dmap as $key => $val)
                                                $payload .= 
xmlrpc_smarty($template['apimethod'], array('method' => $key, 'desc' => 
foreach($GLOBALS['_xmlrpcs_dmap'] as $key => $val)
                                                        $payload .= 
xmlrpc_smarty($template['apimethod'], array('method' => $key, 'desc' => 
                                        $payload .= 

                                $payload .= 

                return $payload;

        * Dumb (dumb dumb) smarty-like template system
        * @param string $template the template text, using {$var} syntax for 
        * @param array $params array of variables to be substituted in 
template, based on array key
        * @todo introduce support for multilanguage directly here
        * @todo introduce support for nested arrays, so we can coalesce 
        function xmlrpc_smarty($template, $params=array())
                foreach ($params as $key => $val)
                        $template = str_replace("{\$$key}", $val, $template);
                return $template;

        * Templates used for building docs
        * The charset is assumed to be ISO-8859-1 for every generated html. 
Take care
        $GLOBALS['xmlrpcdocparts'] = array(
                'html' => array(

//'httpheaders' => array(),

'docheader' => '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE html
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; xml:lang="{$lang}" lang="{$lang}">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text-javascript" />
<meta name="generator" content="'.$GLOBALS['xmlrpcName'].'" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="docxmlrpcs.css" />

'docfooter' => '
<div class="footer">Generated using PHP-XMLRPC 

'apiheader' => '
<h1>API index</h1>
<p>This server defines the following API specification:</p>
<table class="apilist">

'apimethod' => '

'apifooter' => '

'methodheader' => '
<h1>Method <em>{$method}</em></h1>

'methodnotfound' => '
<h3>The method {$method} is not part of the API of this server</h3>

'sigheader' => '
<h2>Signature {$signum}</h2>
<h3>Input parameters</h3>
<table class="inputparameters">

'sigparam' => '

'sigfooter' => '
<h3>Output parameter</h3>
<table class="inputparameters">

'methodfooter' => '
<h2>Test method call</h2>
<p>Complete by hand the form below inserting the needed parameters to call this 
For a string param use e.g. 
<form action="" method="post"><p>
<textarea name="methodCall" rows="5" cols="80">
<input type="submit" value="Test"/>

                'wsdl' => array(

        /// internationalization of docs templates
        $GLOBALS['xmlrpcdoci18n'] = array(
                'en' => array (
                        'apiindex' => 'API Index'
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