
After my previous email, I have found a far easier way to solve your

Disable the PHP XML libraries built in -

on a *nix box, do this by going to /etc/php.d/xmlrpc.ini (or wherever
that file is on your distribution) and comment out the line to be

That will disable the built in PHP XML-RPC functions, and so solve your

Hope this helps.

Jason Stirk

On Wed, 2004-02-04 at 21:13, Jason Stirk wrote:
> Sam,
> I was wondering if you have had any resolution to your problem with
> XML-RPC for PHP :
> Fatal error: Cannot redeclare xmlrpc_decode() in
> /file_path_here/ on line 1380
> I believe I have found the problem if you are still seeking a cause. I
> guess that you are using PHP >= 4.1. Is this correct?
> I am having the same problem, but I believe I have found a cause. It
> seems that in PHP >= 4.1, xmlrpc_decode() is a built in PHP function
> (see : for more details). I believe this
> is what is causing the re-definition problem.
> As a kludge fix, I you could just rename the function in the PHP XML-RPC
> The problem with this, as I am sure you can see, is that if
> you upgrade the version of XML-RPC for PHP, your code will break.
> The only other solution I can think of, is to use a version of PHP < 4.1
> - again, may not be possible depending on your situation.
> The only other 'simple' solution I can see is for the PHP XML-RPC
> developers to change all of their function names - this may be a good
> argument for this to happen if this library differs from the XML-RPC
> libraries which are now in the main PHP library.
> Hope this sheds some light upon your problem.
> Regards,
> Jason Stirk

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