Hi Tomas,

now I tried some of the proposals I made.

1. We can avoid the group association list completely, if we store a
   '+field' reference into components that are not the group leader.

2. We can directly use the '<radio>' function, simplifying the code a

Regarding that, here's a modified version of your '+Radio' class:

(class +Radio +field)
# grp val lbl

# (grp val [lbl])
(dm T (Grp Val Lbl)
   (=: grp (field Grp))
   (=: val Val)
   (=: lbl Lbl) )

(dm show> ("Var")
         (ifn (: grp)
            (cons '*Gui (: grp id)) )
         (: val)
         (not (able)) ) ) )

(dm set> (Val Dn)
   (unless (: grp)
      (super Val Dn) ) )

(dm val> ()
   (unless (: grp)
      (super) ) )

I can be called like this:

   (gui '(+Radio) NIL "value1a")
   (gui '(+Radio) -1 "value1b")
   (gui '(+Radio) -2 "value1c")
   (gui '(+Radio) NIL "value2a")
   (gui '(+Radio) -1 "value2b")
   (gui '(+Radio) -2 "value2c")

So the NIL argument indicates a group leader. For other group members,
you can pass a standard field specifier (i.e. a numeric field offset or
an alias symbol) as expected by the built-in 'field' function.

With aliases for the group leaders, the above example would be:

   (gui 'group1 '(+Radio) NIL "value1a")
   (gui '(+Radio) 'group1 "value1b")
   (gui '(+Radio) 'group1 "value1c")
   (gui 'group2 '(+Radio) NIL "value2a")
   (gui '(+Radio) 'group2 "value2b")
   (gui '(+Radio) 'group2 "value2c")

One downer remains, though: As I suspected, "lib/form.js" does not work
with radio buttons. I'll have to check that separately.

- Alex

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