On Sat, Feb 06, 2010 at 09:42:58PM +0100, Henrik Sarvell wrote:
> This is weird (for me). When I do sh -c ./p
> projects/rss-reader/word_index.l - 1 -go -wait >> index.log 2>&1 & in
> a shell the server starts but when I do (call "sh" "-c" "./p
> projects/rss-reader/word_index.l - 1 -go -wait >> index.log 2>&1 &")
> it doesn't.
> I must be missing something fundamental?

The 'call' to 'sh' looks perfectly OK. There must be some other problem.
Is it possible that "word_index.l" depend on some environment not
available from within the call? What exactly doesn't work?

- Alex
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