Hi Jon,

> Here is a demo of what I was thinking of:
> <http://folk.uio.no/jkleiser/pico/experiment/timeoutdemo.html>

I understand that. However, it is against the spirit of that GUI, as it
depends on JavaScript. One important feature is for me that all
functionality is available also without JavaScript, and JavaScript
should be used only to speed up things which would also work without.

The timeout message itself, as it is displayed currently, is correct.

The nice point is that it shows the real situation, not some calculated
condition in JavaScript in the user's browser. It is the real scheduled
time when the server process will terminate, unless a new event arrives.

My customers gave me very positive feedback about it. The only fault is
that it doesn't show client local time, but the time of the server's
time zone, so it is not really suited for the Wiki perhaps.

Still it is a remainder to the user that there is a timeout at all

> When one logs into the wiki, and then later logs out, the timeout
> info should be removed, and if possible there should no longer be a

This is difficult. The session remains for another 5 minutes if the user
logs out, and this is perhaps not trivial to fix, as all generated links
on that page still contain the session ID. The rationale for that
(originating from "normal" PicoLisp apps) is that the session should
stay around for some time in case that the user likes to log in again.

So as long as the user continues to click on such "session links", the
session will go on (and also show the correct remaining timeout). As
soon as the user goes to a "sessionless" page, as the top level
"home.picolisp.com", or something like "xxx/5000/-2-2.html", the timeout
message will be gone.

So this is always correct: If and only if there is a session active,
there is a timeout involved, and a timeout message is displayed.

There are of course workarounds (e.g. use 'url' to jump to a top-level
page when the user logs out), but I would rather not break the framework
conventions just to have that effect.

If the timeout is really so confusing in the context of the Wiki, I
would rather propose to remove the two calls to (expires).

- Alex
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