Thanks!  That got me over the hump.  I put a tags file in lib.  It
turns out the ht library was also missing from the package.  I will
let Jeronimo Pellegrini know.

Once I added those two things, I was able to run the first couple
lines of the example.

- dan

On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 9:25 AM, Alexander Burger <> wro=
> Hi Dan,
>> Didn't see the mailing list until after I sent this email. =A0Any ideas?
> No problem. In general it is better to ask such questions in the mailing
> list, though, as other people might also benefit then. Next time then ;)
>> Thank you for your work on PicoLisp. =A0It is absolutely perfect for an
>> important portion of a agricultural system prototype my startup is
> Hehe, that's interesting :-) Josef Bartl an me initially also worked on
> agricultural systems (warehoses) when we first met (almost 20 years
> ago).
>> building. =A0We want to use PicoLisp on a device running OpenWRT. =A0We
>> have already successfully built and installed PicoLisp on the device
>> with the help of Jeronimo Pellegrini's package.
> OK
>> However, I am having difficulty with the "Browser GUI" example. =A0When
>> I run picolisp this is what I get:
>> r...@openwrt:/usr/share/picolisp# pico dbg.l lib/http.l lib/xhtml.l
>> lib/form.l -'server 8080 "~/helloworldhttp.l"'
>> tput: can't exec
>> tput: can't exec
> I see. The 'tput' command seems not available on OpenWRT. This makes
> sense, as this is not very useful in such an environment.
> I would suggest to remove the whole expression (when (sys "TERM") ..)
> from "lib/dbg.l". It is not important, it only sets the '*Tsm' console
> mode (the transient symbol markup, which underlines transient symbols
> (strings)).
>> [/usr/bin/../share/picolisp/lib/debug.l:147] !? (in l...@lib/tags
>> (while (read) (let Sym @ (if (get Sym '*Dbg) (set @ (read)) (put Sym
>> '*Dbg (cons (read)))))))
>> /usr/bin/../share/picolisp/lib/tags open: No such file or directory
>> Is it looking for a tags.l file in the lib? =A0If so, it is not present.
> Yeah, it seems it didn't get included into the distribution. It is
> rather large, and only needed for source access during debugging. I
> would suggest to create an empty file "lib/tags".
> Please let me know how you get along, and don't hesitate to ask! :-)
> Cheers,
> - Alex

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