Ops, the httpHead redifinition part in pl-web.l can be removed, I
think I thought I would need to make changes there but I did not.

On Sat, Jan 28, 2012 at 4:25 PM, Henrik Sarvell <hsarv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> OK so I've got a first draft of something simple.
> As opposed to what has been requested before this is NOT a web
> development framework in the sense of RoR or even Ring.
> Instead I've opted to create a simple environment from which
> frameworks utilizing conventions and such can be built, both a RoR
> type of thing or a simpler Ring style framework is possible to create
> from pl-web.
> What we have is a few basic things:
> 1.) An ability to inspect the current look of the URL (se line 87 and
> 120 in pl-web.l).
> 2.) File based sessions (ugly yes but will not make demands on how any
> database should look like). See line 109 in pl-web.l.
> 3.) Trying as hard as we can to utilize Linux system
> functions/commands in order to alleviate the need for libraries (see
> cmd.l).
> How to test:
> 1.) Unpack the attached file into /opt/picolisp and create
> /tmp/pl-web/sessions/.
> 2.) Create a folder called simple-web-app in /opt/picolisp/projects
> and paste the following into a main.l file there:
> (load
>   "pl-web/pl-web.l"
>   "pl-web/pl-html.l")
> (de login (Msg)
>   (<plw-form> NIL ""
>      (<span> NIL "Username:")
>      (<plw-field> "text" "username" (gReq "username"))
>      (<br>)
>      (<span> NIL "Password:")
>      (<plw-field> "password" "password" "")
>      (<br>)
>      (<submit> "Submit")
>      (<br>)
>      (<span> NIL Msg) ) )
> (de app ()
>   (fatApp
>      (html 0 "PL Web" *Css NIL
>         (<div> NIL (println "Post: " *Post " Cookies: " *Cookies))
>         (cond
>            ((= (car *Urll) "login")
>             (ifn (and (= (gReq "password") "test") (= (gReq
> "username") "test"))
>                (login (if (gReq "username")
>                          "User not found."
>                          "Please login." ) )
>                (sSess 'logged-in-user "test")
>                (<div> NIL "Login successful.") ) )
>            ((= (car *Urll) "whoami")
>             (<div> NIL (prin "You are: " (gSess 'logged-in-user))) )
>            (T ("Nothing to do.")) ) ) ) )
> (de start ()
>   (off *JS))
> (de go ()
>   (server 8080 "!start") )
> 3.) Start it: henrik@henrik-laptop:/opt/picolisp$ ./pil
> projects/simple-web-app/main.l -go
> 4.) Browse to: http://localhost:8080/login and submit the form with
> test in both fields.
> 5.) Browse to: http://localhost:8080/whoami
> That's it, I think inspection of the code plus testing in #4 and #5
> above should be enough to understand how this works.
> A few TODO/Thoughts:
> 1.) Swiping stale sessions in the sessions folder. Some kind of
> timeout value might be needed, if combined with a random initializer
> we have recreated the ugliness of PHP session handling to perfection.
> 2.) Port of the current xhtml.l library (which we are currently
> relying heavily on), as can be seen I've started a little in the
> pl-html.l file, all that *JS stuff etc needs to go.
> 3.) Some brave soul needs to create a real, clever, framework from
> this that is beautiful enough that it might get some attention. What
> was that earlier suggestion, Bumblebee? Don't know about the name
> though as it brings to mind something that looks so heavy it should
> not be able to fly, yet does. Perhaps not something we want associated
> with PicoLisp.
> 4.) If it would be possible for PL to have several databases open at
> the same time (I have a vague memory of discussing this at some point
> in the past) stuff like session handling could done through a DB
> instead and without making demands on the main application E/R.
> Comments?
> /Henrik Sarvell
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