Hi Mansur,

> Is it normal, that 64bit pil shows such errors (I didn't try it with 32bit):
> : (isa '+Bin '{73})
> -> {73}
> : (isa '+Bin '{7})
> -> NIL

This is all right, if '{73}' inherits from '+Bin' while '{7}' doesn't.

> : (isa '+Bin '{111111}) # deliberately trying non-existent external symbol
> DB read: Invalid argument

This results from a read failure at an too large offset into the DB
file. I think this is correct.

> : (ext? '{111111})
> 23799 SIG-11

This, however is a bug. The function 'isLifeE_F' (in "src64/db.l")
returns without cleaning up the stack after the block check failed. I'll
fix that. Thanks Mansur, again, for finding this bug!

- Alex
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