On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 05:42:14PM +0200, Alexander Burger wrote:
> In any case it is a matter of definition, i.e. where you start counting
> the fibonacci numbers. If you omit the initial zero, you get a proper
> sequence starting with index '1' (as is the convention in PicoLisp):
>    : (for N 7 (println N (fibo N)))    
>    1 1
>    2 2
>    3 3
>    4 5
>    5 8
>    6 13
>    7 21
>    -> 21

Oops, no. It is the other way round. If you start the index with '0'
(not the PicoLisp convention), you get:

   0 1
   1 1
   2 2
   3 3
   4 5
   5 8
   6 13
   7 21

i.e. the sequence starts with two '1's.

- Alex
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