Hi Alex,

On 24-05-13 11:34 , Alexander Burger wrote:
Hi Jon,

"@lib.css" (2nd line under "(html NIL"); it seems to make my browser
look for "http://localhost:8080/@lib.css";. For some reason my
Sorry, I wasn't clear. This happens when I try to access
I still don't get the point. You have

    (html NIL ... "@lib.css"

so the 'html' function generates a page referring to rel="stylesheet"
with name "@lib.css". Then the browser knows it must fetch that
stylesheet, and asks the server for it.

♪♫ Alex

The problem is that the browser for some reason tries to get the @lib.css (and @lib/form.js) from localhost:8080 while the main request was directed to c9.io.

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