Hi Henrik,

> Today I tried a somewhat longer string of HTML at which point I got
> this: Tell PIPE_BUF

Yes, there is a maximal length to 'tell' messages. Sorry, this should be
documented in the reference.

It is the system-dependent constant PIPE_BUF, which used to be 512 bytes
on old Unixes, and is now e.g. 4096 bytes on Linux, or 5120 bytes on
SunOS (I just see, FreeBSD still seems to be 512 bytes).

This is the size of the buffer in the kernel, and is the maximal amount
of data that can be sent atomically.

"Atomically" is important here, because otherwise processes might block
when reading from the pipe(s).

> 1.) Use some other mechanism or change tell to allow for larger "payloads".

Difficult for the above reason.

> 2.) Work around the issue, maybe something can be done with the fact
> that the protocol seems to allow for multiple frames to constitute a
> single payload (don't know if the browsers support this behaviour at

Something like that sounds better.

BTW, 'tell' is used by 'commit' internally. Here we have no inherent
limit, because 'commit' takes care of that. And blocking is not an
issue, because other processes wait anyway for synchronization.

♪♫ Alex

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