Hi Denis,

> Programming all manually? What I like about picolisp is that when
> there is no code which does exactly what I want, I still can easily
> develop a clean solution from scratch instead of writing some ugly
> hacks. :-) I mean, I would not use the DB if I were to believe I would
> have to hack around classes like +Joint or +Link, but being disappointed
> with +Sn would not be a problem, as I would only have to extend the DB
> not to "fight" against it.

Yes, it is not uncommon to write application-specific index classes. For
example, if you look into the sources of the picolisp.com Wiki at
http://software-lab.de/wiki.tgz, you find that it builds a '+MupIdx'
("Markup index") in "wiki/er.l"

♪♫ Alex
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