This is really good, thank you.

On 17/08/16 14:13, Joe Bogner wrote:
> I've been working on a port of PicoLisp 64 to Windows. The port is ready
> for an early preview for anyone who wants to try it out
> The goal of the initiative is to allow PicoLisp development on Windows.
> This may improve efficiency and usage of resources as virtual boxes or
> remote shells aren't necessary for those of us on Windows workstations.
> We can run PicoLisp 64 natively. Cygwin or flinux[4] is still an option
> for 32-bit PicoLisp (src vs src64). PicoLisp 64 has more features and is
> faster. It may also bring new users to PicoLisp.
> The binaries are available
> at
> Please read the notes on the release page for invocation instructions. 
> There are a few known items that aren't working:
> - file locking (fnctl not implemented in midipix yet)
> - native (dlopen not implemented in midipix yet)
> - instability observed with fork and sockets
> Due to the file locking issue, I would not recommend using it in
> production with fork. I expect to have a solution for file locking in
> the future.
> The implementation is mostly
> in 
> or view the commit
> history to
> see a list of all the changes. Most of the work was in debugging.
> It can be run from cmd.exe using a combination of ntctty and ptycon
> (included) which sets up the terminal emulator. It can also be run from
> mingw64 with ./picolisp.exe. See notes in win.l or the release notes.
> Beware, long path names seem to cause a problem (thanks rick!). 
> It's fairly complicated to set up to build from source because it
> requires a new toolchain. It requires midipix,,
> which is pre-alpha. I plan to document the build steps once midipix is
> released. The steps currently require joining the irc channel and asking
> for private git access.
> If you clone the github repo, you should be able to generate the
> assembly file with cd src64;make - current version
> here: 
> Credits:
> Thanks to Alex for pil64 and his debugging assistance
> Thanks to Rick for testing and encouragement
> Thanks to midipix team for a solid cygwin alternative
> Please reply to the mailing list if you try it out or find it useful!
> Links:
> [1] -
> [2] -
> [3] -
> [4] - (32-bit)

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